Room for Improvement

Have you ever been unhappy with something you've made?
Ever wanted to add new features to a project to make it more useful or interesting?
On this page you can find all of the changes I have made to existing projects or different features I have added to new projects to make them more practical. I will update this page as much as I can, so be on the look-out for new projects to try.
 Number 1 - The Coin purse
1. Okay, lets start with the first thing I made with my sewing machine. I found the easiest and cutest thing to start off with - a coin purse. I found a tutorial for this over at the Me? A Mom? blog.

At the time, I was quite pleased with my first make, and I sat and stared at it whilst drinking my soup (Or is it 'eating' my soup?)
Later on, I noticed that some of the stitching was very untidy and loose, and when I turned the pouch inside-out, I didn't like the raw edges because there was bits of frayed fabric everywhere !
Attempt 2 - The Cosmetics Pouch

To improve the previous coin purse, I increased the original size by about a third - I think.
There isn't any loose stitching and on the inside of the pouch there is some bias binding to neaten up the raw edges.

The placement of the zip is still slightly wonky, but since I've made this, I've sewn far too many zips to count, so that problem was resolved over time. Everyone will say this but it's very true...'Practice makes perfect', and in my case it's 'Practice makes something that's not half bad' !!!


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